+ 91 9822386467 / +91 8956636748

300 Hrs Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training Course in India, Goa:(Non Residential Course)

“Our training school has met the stringent requirements set by Yoga Alliance Professionals, demonstrating that our courses are of the highest standard and that our graduates may register with Yoga Alliance Professionals to use their relevant membership level designation, as a sign of quality training.”

The 300 Hours Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training Course (TTC) includes the Intermediate Series is offered by a team of experienced teachers. This is a comprehensive Yoga Instructor training program, designed in accordance with the 300 Hour requirements for registration with Yoga Alliance USA. After successfully completing the course you will be a Certified Yoga Instructor, eligible to register with Yoga Alliance USA and you will be qualified to teach Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga worldwide.

All the modules taught meet and exceed yoga alliance requirements. Our comprehensive course schedule includes Asanas, Asanas Methodology (Adjustments & Theory), Pranayama and Meditation technique

Mysore Style’ is practiced on Saturdays where students get a chance to improve their practice without the teacher leading them but the teacher will be present to adjust the postures if necessary. It is an intense experience that helps to develop a firm foundation of inner discipline.

Students completing the course, receive a Yoga Alliance (USA) RYT 300-Hour Teacher-Training Certificate from Yoga Vimoksha. The Prices of the Course are $ 940 per person single (Including yoga classes, certificate & fees.)


Enquire Now!

Why 300 hr Course?

  • Acquire deeper knowledge of Yogasana, Pranayama, Meditation, Philosophy, and Anatomy.
  • Enhance your teaching skills and brush up on your Sanskrit, asana vocabulary, and adjustment techniques.
  • Refresh your knowledge of anatomy and philosophy in a focused, committed learning environment with professional and dedicated teachers.
  • Deepen your own personal asana practice with daily Ashtanga Vinyasa classes, advanced asana practice like arm balances, backbends etc.
  • Learn and practice hands-on adjustment and enhance your teaching skills.
  • Share the knowledge and experience you have gained as a yoga teacher with others.
  • dded Benefits with Yoga Alliance USA by becoming RYT 500.


Techniques Training/
Practice (140 Hours)
Asana, Pranayama,
Meditation, Chanting
Teaching Methodology
(30 Hours)
Art of Adjustment
Anatomy and Physiology
(20 Hours)
Physical Body
Yoga Philosophy
(35 Hours)
Bhagavad Gita, Philosophy,
Patanjali Yoga Sutras
Practicum (45 Hours) Students Teaching

Yoga Class:


1st Week – Morning asana classes focus on Ashtanga Vinyasa Primary series & evening classes focus on Yogic management of common disease like back pain, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, headache and migraine, arthritis, Shoulder & neck pain.


2nd Week – Morning asana classes focus on Ashtanga Vinyasa Primary series & evening classes focus on Gentle and Advance Hatha Yoga Postures.


3rd & 4th Week – Morning asana classes focus on Ashtanga Vinyasa Primary series & evening classes focus Ashtanga Vinyasa Intermediate series.


The Pranayama classes cover various techniques like Kapalbhati, Bhastrika, Ujjayi Breathing, Nadi shodna / Anulom viloma, Shithali, Shithkari and Brahmari.

Yoga Anatomy:


Students will learn anatomy and physiology relevant to yoga to strengthen their classroom explanations, cues, and corrections of asana. Students will also learn the importance of anatomy while sequencing the class.



Bhagavas Getha, Pathanjali Yoga Sutras, Kathspan- ishath / Yagmavalkya, Ashtavakra Geetha.


This class will prepare students to read and understand Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras.Kapalbhati, Bhastrika, Ujjayi Breathing, Nadi shodna / Anulom viloma, Shithali, Shithkari and Brahmari.

Meditation Technique

  • Yoga Nidra
  • Aum meditation
  • Mind Sound Resonance Technique (MSRT)
  • Chidaksasha Dharana
  • Ajapajapa Dhyana
  • Nandunusandana techniques

Teaching Methodology and Technique

  • Principles of demonstration
  • Observing, assisting and correcting
  • Instruction, teaching styles, qualities teacher
  • Business aspects of teaching yoga
  • Planning and structuring a class
  • Alignment and hands-on-adjustment
  • Dealing with injuries and safety precautions

Business aspect of yoga

  • Career as a teacher
  • Setting up your own studio, school, or business
  • Building network with other yoga teachers, schools, studios, and retreats
  • How to conduct and theme workshops and intensives
  • Marketing strategy, advertising, and PR
  • Ethics in yoga business


  • Those applicants who have already done a 200-hour Yoga Alliance Yoga Teacher Training Course or equivalent from any school, any style.
  • Should be practitioner of yoga for minimum 2 years, 4 times in a week.

Total Hours of Training

Four-week course, 10 hours every day, 60 hours a week, 300 hrs (270 contact hours training total minimum Contact Hours: 270 hours, total minimum Contact Hours with Lead Trainers 135 hours.


Duration of the course:

  • The Course is designed over a period of 4weeks with 200 hours.
  • The Course will be conducted 5 1⁄2 Days in a week from 6.30am to 6.00 pm.
  • The food provided will be Satwik and wholesome.

A Typical day at Yoga Vimoksha

DAILY SCHEDULE (Monday to Friday)

07:30 – 09:30 Ashtanga Vinyasa Practice (Primary Series)
09:30 – 10:15 Breakfast
10:15 – 10:45 Karma Yoga
11:00 – 13:00 Asanas Adjustments and Techniques / Asanas Theory / Teaching Methodology
13:00 – 15:00 Lunch & Study Break
15:00 – 17:00 Yoga Philosophy/Anatomy
17:00 – 18:30 Basic & Advance Hatha Yoga / Ashtanga Vinyasa Intermediate Series / Pranayama
18:30 – 19:00 Meditation
19.30 – 20.30 Dinner


07:30 – 09:30 Ashtanga Vinyasa Practice ((Mysore Style)
10.15 – 11.00 Karma Yoga
11.00 – 12.30 Asanas Alignment & Teaching Techniques



USD 220 per person

Basic Accommodation
(2-3km away from the school)

USD 660 (single)

USD 390 per person (twin sharing)

Deluxe Accommodation
(On the Beach)

USD 900 (single)

USD 570 per person (twin sharing)


“I have really enjoyed Yoga Vimoksha. I feel the Yoga teachers complement each other well bringing something different to each lesson. They have inspired me and I have learnt a lot from them. I thank my teachers for my time there and all they have taught me in such a short time.”
Catarina Cordas, Age 40, Ayurvedic Retreat, June 2017, From United States.
“Food was lovely and varied. I have met some lovely people; all the tutors have been very considerate with excellent teaching.I know that this experience is the beginning of my journey.”
Ann Culverwell, Age 24, Juice Detox Retreat, 27 June to 1 July 2017, From United States.
“Beautiful resort with very good accommodation facilities and the food was fantastic. The level of construction of the coursewas of a very high and inspirational level with lots of practical and spiritual lessons to learn. The yoga teacher was inspirationalnot just as a yoga practitioner but also a person.”
Hannah Taylor, Age 42, Total Body Rebalancing Retreat, February 2017, From UAE.
“Overall experience, including the location, was amazing. Great people and great course. The food was delicious and I especiallyloved the porridges for breakfast. The teachers were enthusiastic and motivating.”
Catarina Cordas, Age 40, Ayurvedic Retreat, June 2017, From United States.