+ 91 9822386467 / +91 8956636748

Terms & Conditions

Practice Experience

  • Students should have been practicing yoga for 2 years and have a strong practice before they embark on a teacher training course.


  • A deposit (25%) is necessary to secure a place on the course and should be paid at the time of the booking.
  • The full fee should be paid immediately on the date of arrival
  • Applications will be taken on a ‘first come first served’ basis and students who have paid their deposit will have priority over those who haven’t.
  • Yoga Vimoksha Management reserves the right to refuse a place to students who have not paid their deposit or full fees by the required date.
  • The fees must be paid in full on/before Day 01 of the training and also any private additional sessions paid for, before a graduation certificate will be issued.

What fees include/ what is not included

  • Training and assessment by a qualified Yoga Alliance Professionals SYT
  • A full manual and other appropriate paperwork
  • Accommodation and food for yourself

Not included:

  • Flights
  • Insurance (you can get this from Yoga Alliance Professionals for just £15)* or alternate

Sources for your stay.

  • A certificate (paying the fees do not guarantee you a certificate as you will need to successfully pass all assignments and attend a minimum of 80% sessions of the course).

During the Course:

  • Student’s conduct during the course (as mentioned in the code of conduct)
  • Minimum attendance rate – 80% attendance is a must
  • Expectations regarding daily practice of students

Cancelation of Course:

  • Course leaders reserve the right to cancel the course at any point. Related circumstances – refer to the refund policy.

Deposit Payment Dates

  • 25 % of the total course fee (including accommodation) should be paid as a deposit at thetime of booking participation in course, at Yoga Vimoksha Goa – The deposit amount is non
    refundable if the cancellation is within 90 days of the start date of the course booked.

Cancellation & refund policy

  • In case of a student pulling out of the course 90 days or beyond from the start date of the course booked, there will be a refund of the deposit (as below).
  • A cancellation fee of UKP 50 is deducted from the deposit and refunded to the student.
  • In case of cancellation by the student within 90 days of the start date of the course booked, no refund is given.
  • As long as the cancellation is happening 90 days or beyond of the start date of the course booked, no reason for withdrawal or letter is required to be submitted to the school.
  • If the management cancels a particular course, the entire deposit amount will be refunded to the students who have booked for the particular course.

Procedure on how to make a cancellation

  • The student can cancel their booking by email addressed to the Course Director on marketing@yogavimoksha.com
  • If the cancellation is within 90 days of the start date of the course booked, an appropriate reason needs to be provided by the student. However, no refunds are applicable.
  • If the cancellation is 90 days or beyond of the start date of the course, no reason needs to be provided by the student.

What is a grievance or complaint ?

A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction, either written or spoken. A complaint can be made by an individual or a group. You may wish to complain if you are not satisfied with the
way you have been treated, the service you have received or the tuition you have received from your teacher.


Our school recognises that complaints are an important part of customer’s feedback.

  • All complaints will be investigated fully and fairly.
  • Complaints will be dealt with in confidence. The only exception to this is when others could be put at risk by matters referred to in the complaint.
  • If the complainant is not happy with the result of the response to the complaint, they will

have the right to appeal to the teachers’ industry body such as Yoga Alliance Professionals.Our school is committed to ensuring that its services, products and courses are of the highest
quality. The complaints procedure enables your school to respond clearly and properly to complaints and to know when and why people are not satisfied with its services and courses,
so that they can improve them.

Complaints about a Teacher Training Course

There are three stages that we follow to try to resolve the issue. We will always try to resolve any complaint as soon as possible.
You may wish to involve a friend or someone else to support you at any stage. If you need a sign language or community language interpreter, please let the person dealing with the
complaint know and every reasonable effort will be made to provide it.

Stage One:
Speak to the individual(s) concerned and try to resolve the complaint informally on the day. If you are not satisfied with the response you have received, try to resolve the issue by
following stage two.
Stage Two:
Outline the details of your complaint by letter or email and send it to the person who will investigate the complaint.
Your complaint will be acknowledged within 3 working days from the date it is received.
The response will contain the following information:

  • Name of the person who will investigate the complaint
  • The date(s) that the incident happened
  • What support you can expect to receive during the process of the complaint
  • An expected response date

In fairness to all parties and to ensure the investigator is able to investigate the complaint in an open and meaningful way, we cannot guarantee your anonymity. In exceptional cases,
however, where a child or vulnerable adult is involved, in accordance with national guidelines and good practice the identity of individuals at risk with be protected.

When the person(s) who are dealing with the complaint, have had an opportunity to review it, they will write to the tutor or person about whom the complaint has been made. The letter will outline the main elements of your complaint and ask for a full written response.

At this point, if further relevant information comes to light, you may be asked for your comments to ensure the investigator has a balanced understanding. When your response has been received, the investigator will consider all the information available to them and make a

The response will include the following information:

  • Details of the investigation
  • A decision about whether the complaint was upheld or not
  • The reason for the decision
  • The re-dress, if appropriate, which will be offered to you , for example, an apology, additional help or directing you to other sources of advice or support
  • Any other action that may be taken in light of the complaint
  • If it is not possible to provide a full answer to your complaint within 30 working days, the letter will outline reasons why and give a date by which a full answer is expected.

Code of Conduct for Yoga Vimoksha 200 hr Teacher Training

Dear Student

Thank you for joining the 200 hour diploma course, and a warm welcome to Yoga Vimoksha 200 Hour Teacher Training. We hope you enjoy the course and find it useful and informative. In order to maintain high standards and ensure that we keep our good reputation, it is
important that you reach a certain minimum standard. Whenever we feel that this is not the case, we will talk to you personally and try to put things right. The assessment is on a
continuous basis and you will receive feedback on your progress. Students who do not meet the required standards will be asked to improve on the areas of weakness, and demonstrate
that they have done this, before being issued with a certificate. All successful students can be registered on our database of accredited teachers.

This Code of Conduct is a summation and declaration of acceptable, ethical, and professional behaviour by which all Yoga Alliance Professionals Registered Yoga Teachers agree to
conduct the teaching and business of Yoga.

As a Registrant of Yoga Vimoksha 200 Hr Teacher Training, I agree to uphold the ethical

Goals set forth in the following Code of Conduct:

  • To ensure that safe and effective teaching is available to the public.
  • To provide the public with access to safe and effective yoga teachers.
  • To maintain and uphold the traditions of Hatha Yoga. To teach yoga from the experience of these traditions and to disseminate these teachings to anyone, from any background, who
    earnestly desires to follow these traditions.
  • Uphold the integrity of my vocation by conducting myself in a professional and conscientious manner.
  • Acknowledge the limitations of my skills and scope of practice and where appropriate, refer students to seek alternative instruction, advice, treatment, or direction.
  • Create and maintain a safe, clean, and comfortable environment for the practice of yoga.
  • Encourage diversity actively by respecting all students regardless of age, physical limitations, race, creed, gender, ethnicity, religion affiliation, or sexual orientation.
  • Respect the rights, dignity, and privacy of all students.
  • Avoid words and actions that constitute sexual harassment.
  • Follow all local government and national laws that pertain to my yoga teaching and business.

As a student of the Vimoksha Yoga teacher training course, I consent to my contact details (name, email and phone number) being passed onto our partners, Yoga Alliance Professionals, so they can contact me directly and invite me to register as a Trainee and Teacher. I understand that I have the option of opting out of this registration process.

I agree to comply with the conditions and requirements as set out in the course curriculum, and accept that failure to do so will disqualify me from any accreditation. I furthermore vow
to uphold the standards of the teachings I have been given, and to maintain and promote the good name of yoga at all times. I accept that failure to do so may lead to the annulment of
any accreditation obtained from Yoga Vimoksha 200 hr Teacher Training.

Print Name
Course and starting date
Signed and dated
