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Sofia Cserna

Aug 20, 2016 by Administrator 0 comments


During my time under the tutoriage with Reejo, Vinay and Neeraj they all made me feel very welcome. I was worried as I was alone, but they were very calm and welcoming environment for me to learn. I had already studied yoga previously for three to four years, but very quickly I realized that my knowledge had large gaps.

Under Vinay’s tutor-age, I’ve started to truly understand the yogi way of life. He guided me to see the true potential and strength in one’s character which living this way can bring. His way of teaching was inspiring to me because he didn’t just teach me postures, but the spiritual trueness of being a yogi. He always made himself accessible to me so that if I had any questions he was available to answer them, whether he was here or in the jungle.

Reejo’s lessons really challenged me physically and pushed my boundaries to make me more flexible that I ever imagined was possible. This came as a shocked to me, as I’d never pushed myself so hard before and although it was hard at the beginning, the end results were very fulfilling. Even though he pushed me to my limits , his lessons always had an element of fun, which I will try to adopt when teaching myself.

Although I only had a couple of lessons with Neeraji, I still learn a lot from our time together. His patients and approach to yoga is very inspiring. He showed me that yoga isn’t simply about postures and building muscles, but can be used to great benefit to improve the lives all elderly and disabled people. I hope to learn from him again in the future.

I think the teaching staff at the Yoga Vimoksha has a perfect blend of mental, physical and spiritual attributes. Each teacher brings there own unique style, which meant I covered all element of yoga to a fantastic level.

Completing the 200 hour teacher training course, has been a life changing experience for me – one that has enriched my life more than I could have ever imagined. All the staff and teachers have made this possible and has inspired me to be a better person. I hope in the future to impart some of their wisdom on my own students.

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