“The rule in Yoga is that every muscle in the body should move at least once a day. This helps to bring our energy back into flow and releases any blockages. Energy is like water which needs to flow constantly as water that stands still becomes impure and putrid. Flowing water always remains pure so […]
The difference between Asana and Exercise Yoga and exercise are not the same. Today, most fitness programs teach exercises, Yoga asanas, pranayama, Tai Chi, aerobics, martial arts, etc or a combination of these. Though all of these are aimed at maintaining and improving health, few understand the difference between the Yoga asanas and other forms […]
Trying out these yoga workouts will enhance your sexual experiences 1. The Cat-cow sequence This sequence is the foreplay of yoga practice— These feel-great moves warm up the spine, sacrum, and hips. For more release in the low back and hips, push your hips and bottom back […]