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Supta Veerasana (Hero’s pose)

Aug 17, 2016 by Administrator Category: Blog 6320 comments

Technique Perform Virasana. Exhale and lower your back torso toward the floor. First lean onto your hands, then your forearms and elbows. Once you are on your elbows, place your hands on the back of the pelvis and release your lower back and upper buttocks by spreading the flesh down toward the tailbone. Then finish […]

Simhagarjanasana (roaring lion pose)

Aug 17, 2016 by Administrator Category: Blog 14442 comments

Technique Sit in simhasana. Open the eyes and gaze at the eyebrow centre, adopting shambhavi mudra. Relax the whole body. Keep the mouth closed. Inhale slowly and deeply through the nose. At the end of inhalation, open the mouth and extend the tongue out as far as possible towards the chin. While slowly exhaling, produce […]

Simhasna (Lion pose)

Aug 17, 2016 by Administrator Category: Blog 13501 comments

Technique                   Sit in vajrasana with the knees about 45 cm apart. The toes of both feet should remain in contact with each other. Lean forward and place the palms of the hands on the floor between the knees, with the fingers pointing towards the body. Straighten […]


Aug 17, 2016 by Administrator Category: Blog 7771 comments

Technique ü Sit erect with legs stretched, heels together, palms pressing on the floor by the side of the buttocks. Fold the right leg at the knee and place the heel under the right buttock. Fold the left leg at the knee and place the heel under the left buttock. Stand on the knees making […]


Aug 17, 2016 by Administrator Category: Blog 19154 comments

Technique ü Sit in the titli asana pose inhale deeply and exhale put your forehead on the floor. Do the normal breathing for 15 to 20 seconds staying there and then inhale head up and exhale   Benefits:   Stimulates abdominal organs, ovaries and prostate gland, bladder, and kidneys Stimulates the heart and improves general […]

Titli Asana (Butterfly pose)

Aug 17, 2016 by Administrator Category: Blog 3568 comments

Technique Sit in the base position. Bend the knees and bring the soles of the feet together, keeping the heels as close to the perineum as possible. Fully relax the inner thigh muscles. Clasp the feet with both hands. Gently move the knees up and then down towards the floor, but do not use any […]

Niralamba Paschimottanasana (unsupported backstretching pose)

Aug 17, 2016 by Administrator Category: Blog 5763 comments

Technique Sit with the legs outstretched and the feet together. Bend the knees and bring them to the chest, keeping the feet flat on the floor. Place the arms outside the legs and grasp the soles of the feet. Relax the whole body and focus on a fixed point. Lean backwards slightly onto the coccyx, […]

Merudandasana (spinal column pose)

Aug 17, 2016 by Administrator Category: Blog 11846 comments

Technique Sit with the legs outstretched. Bend the knees and place the feet flat on the floor in front of the buttocks, about half a meter apart. Holding the big toes, slowly lean backward, balancing on the coccyx. Straighten the legs and arms, raising them upward. Steady the body, keeping the spine straight, then separate […]

Upavista Konasana A (Wide seated forward bend pose)

Aug 17, 2016 by Administrator Category: Blog 4028 comments

Technique Sit in Dandasana then spread both leg as much u can hold both the legs big toe with both hands inhale the breath hold for 5 to 10 seconds and exhale slowly and touch your forhead on the floor. Stay their for 20 seconds normal breathing then inhale up your head and exhale. Benefits: […]

Gomukhasana (cow’s face pose)

Aug 17, 2016 by Administrator Category: Blog 17490 comments

Technique Sit in veerasana so that the right knee is directly above the left knee. Stretch the left arm to the side and then fold it behind the back. Stretch the right arm up above the head, then fold it over the right shoulder. The back of the left hand should lie in contact with […]