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Niralamba Paschimottanasana (unsupported back stretching pose)

Aug 20, 2016 by Administrator Category: Blog 11156 comments

Niralamba Paschimottanasana (unsupported back stretching pose) Sit with the legs outstretched and the feet together. Bend the knees and bring them to the chest, keeping the feet flat on the floor. Place the arms outside the legs and grasp the soles of the feet. Relax the whole body and focus on a fixed point. Lean […]

Yoga for Relaxation Mind and Body

Aug 20, 2016 by Administrator Category: Blog 4320 comments

Yoga for Relaxation Mind and Body 1 Lie down on a mat comfortably in shavasana Become aware of the sound in the street outside the house. Then shift your attention to the space within your body and become aware of the breath, inhale, exhale, air going in and out of the nostrils, through only. Then […]

Trataka (concentrated gazing)

Aug 20, 2016 by Administrator Category: Blog 11005 comments

Light a candle and place it on a small table so that the flame is exactly at eye level when sitting. Trim the wick and protect the flame from draughts so that it remains steady. Sit in any comfortable meditation asana with the head and spine erect. Adjust the position so that the candle is […]


Aug 20, 2016 by Administrator Category: Blog 19836 comments

Bandha Hasta Utthanasana (locked hand raising pose) Stand erect with the feet together and the arms by the sides. Relax the whole body and balance the body weight equally on both feet. Cross the wrists in front of the body. Slowly raise the arms above the head, keeping the wrists crossed, and at the same […]


Aug 20, 2016 by Administrator Category: Blog 6803 comments

Akarna Dhanurasana (bow and arrow pose) Stand erect with the feet shoulder width apart and the arms at the sides. Take a short step forward with the right leg. Clench the right fist and raise the arm in front of the body so that it is over the right foot and slightly above eye level. […]


Aug 20, 2016 by Administrator Category: Blog 12190 comments

Tadasana (palm tree pose) Stand with the feet together or about 10 cm apart, and the arms by the sides. Steady the body and distribute the weight equally on both feet. Raise the arms over the head. Interlock the fingers and turn the palms upward. Place the hands on top of the head. Fix the […]


Aug 20, 2016 by Administrator Category: Blog 14192 comments

Tiryaka Tadasana (swaying palm tree pose) Stand with the feet more than shoulder width apart. Fix the gaze on a point directly in front. Interlock the fingers and turn the palms outward. Raise the arms over the head, stretching upwards. Bend to the right side from the waist. Do not bend forward or backward or […]


Aug 20, 2016 by Administrator Category: Blog 13799 comments

Kati Chakrasana (waist rotating pose) Stand with the feet about shoulder width apart and the arms by the sides. Raise the arms to shoulder level, and then twist the body to the right. Bring the left hand to the right shoulder and wrap the right arm around the back, bringing the right hand around the […]


Aug 19, 2016 by Administrator Category: Blog 5971 comments

Samakonasana (right angle pose) Stand with the feet together and the arms by the sides. Raise the arms straight up above the head. Bend the wrists so that the fingers are pointing forward. Allow the hands to hang limp. Arch the back slightly, pushing the buttocks out a little. Slowly bend forward at the hips, […]


Aug 19, 2016 by Administrator Category: Blog 20399 comments

  Dwikonasana (double angle pose) Stand erect with the feet 30 cm apart. Extend the arms behind the back and interlock the fingers. This is the starting position. Bend forward from the hips so that the back and face are parallel with the floor. Raise the anus behind the back as high as possible without […]